
About me

Hello! I'm a human that likes to code stuff, I also like to learn stuff, more than what I already know. There are some games that I play like Albion Online and sometimes League of Legends: Wild Rift (Mobile version of League of Legends), and I used to play osu! and I was pretty decent at it; I used to play 7* maps (didn't really get much passes but it wasn't horrible). About my coding career, I started learning at around the age of 9 I'd say? But it wasn't really serious and didn't understand what I'm doing. I tried to learn full-stack web development by doing HTML then CSS then JavaScript, but I did half of an HTML course online (yes, at the age of 9) and then stopped learning. I just tried to make stuff from time to time. When I really got serious with programming it was around a year-ish ago (2021-2022). Since then, I made a few projects in different languages. I know JavaScript, Python, some C#, HTML and CSS. I also develop discord bots, so hit me up if you need help or something [free of charge ;) hosting not included] I made a text-based RPG game that runs on the CLI with python, and I called it "CLI Grounds", that's the only name I could've thought about (the project's repository is below). After that I tried to make a C# Framework to help in making text-based games for the CLI. I didn't make a repository for it but I called it "chaos", seemed reasonable to me because the framework was meant to be for RPG games (no repository is available for it, I don't think there will ever be one). Besides these projects, I made a couple of games. I made a few on roblox and one did pretty well more than I expected, it reached a couple of favourites plus 170-ish worth of robux. I made a game on when I was kinda bored and found a cool game maker software called PICO-8. I made with it a simple space shooter game. Maybe you should check it out.


Wikisearch (JavaScript)

A tool that helps you search summaries on wikipedia. It got some useful features like copying the summary or opening it in a browser. I made it because I thought it's a good idea to be able to search stuff from the command line.

Visit the repository Check it out on npm
Pylister (Python)

A tool made with python to help in managing the tasks that you need to do for projects, there are some bugs, though, they may or may not be fixed in the future. I made it because I wanted to have a tool to help me with my tasks.

Visit the repository Check it out on PyPI
A Personal Website (Bootstrap)

Yes, it's the one you are looking at right now. I made it because its always cool to have a website. You know the sites that you can put your own site into and you never do because you don't have a website? That's a reason of many for me to make this website, and that's pretty much all of my projects worthy of putting them on here, you can check all my public repositories on my github just in case you want to see more.

The end...

If you want to contact me for whatever reason (being friends maybe? :D) add me on Discord. My discord tag is recleun#1770. Also would you do me a favor? If you see any typos or grammatically incorrect sentences or even any mistakes in the shape of the site, let me know, I'd really appreciate it.